Clinical Trials Directory

276 clinical trials found.
Research for Healthy Adults

We are doing this study to find out if a new method to train the breathing muscles is effective. We want to know if this training can improve how well people can move and exercise underwater while connected to oxygen (i.e., while diving).

Specifically, we want to test whether or not these methods can increase personal endurance and reduce excessive rise in blood carbon dioxide during underwater exercise in divers. We will also look at how oxygen and carbon dioxide enters and leaves blood cells and how it affects exercise capacity.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-45
Duke University Hospital
Skin, Hair and Nails

We are doing this study to find out if a new drug called dupilumab (the study drug) is a safe and effective option for people with atopic dermatitis who have darker skin tones. Specific information about the skin tones relevant to this study is included in the eligibility section below.

Compensation: No
Ages: 12-110
Duke University Hospital
Gastrointestinal Cancer

We are doing this study to see if the study drugs, domvanalimab and zimberelimab, are safe and effective for treating advanced or metastatic gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.

Compensation: No
Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy

We are doing this study to find out how well an experimental drug called DSP-5336 (the study drug) works in people with AML or ALL.

Compensation: No
Research for Healthy Adults

We have created this repository as a way for people to let us know they are interested in being contacted about future research studies. These studies will aim to improve the health and wellbeing of people by using mobile technology or other interventions.

If you would like more information please contact us at

Compensation: No
Research for Healthy Adults

Our Duke Vaccine and Trials Unit Volunteer Registry is a way for people to let our team know that you are interested in learning more about any of our vaccine studies you may be interested in.

For more information or to sign up, visit us at:

Nuestro Registro Voluntario de la Unidad de Vacunas y Ensayos Clínicos de Duke es el medio a través del cual las personas pueden hacerle saber a nuestro equipo que están interesados en conocer más sobre nuestros estudios de investigación en los cuales podrían participar.

Para más información o para registrarse, visítenos en:

Compensation: No
Ages: 0-110
Immune System and Infections

We are doing this study to build a central repository (storehouse) of data and samples that will help support the research Duke is doing on COVID-19.

Estamos haciendo este estudio para crear un registro central de información y muestras que servirán para avanzar la investigación sobre COVID-19 que Duke está haciendo.

Compensation: No
Gastrointestinal Cancer

We are doing this study to learn more about Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-110