Volunteer Registry

Join the Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry

What Is It?

The Duke Health Research Volunteer Registry is like a matchmaking service for clinical research. It connects people like you with research studies looking for participants. Here’s how it works:

  1. Enroll: Anyone can join! When you enroll, you’re saying, “I’m interested in helping with research.”
  2. Consent: You’ll sign a form to show you understand what’s involved. Your choice matters!
  3. Survey: Fill out a quick survey about yourself and your health history. It’s like introducing yourself to potential studies. 

Why Join?

  • Be Part of Discoveries: By joining, you are part of finding new treatments and solutions.
  • Empowerment: Take an active role in your health journey. 
  • Get Studies Sent to You: Rather than having to keep searching for studies that are looking for participants yourself, we will contact you about studies that might be a good match. This includes studies for healthy volunteers and for people with medical conditions.

Get Involved!

Ready to make a difference? Sign up here and be part of moving health forward!