Clinical Trials Directory

276 clinical trials found.
Biobank / Biospecimen Collections

We are doing this study to learn how we can help and improve care for patients that have had a transplant.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-65
Duke University Hospital

We are doing this study to learn what treatments work best for women who have Vestibulodynia (pain at the vaginal opening).

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-50
Older Adults/Aging

We are doing this study to understand the changes in swallowing muscles for peoples with and without trouble swallowing.

Compensation: No
Ages: 50-110
Duke University Hospital
Primary Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors

We are doing this study to find out the practicality of using a new program called ViSPad on an electronic tablet. We want to know if this program can help reduce anxiety for cancer patients who are having imaging scans done (for example, MRI).

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-110
Duke University Hospital
Lungs and Breathing

We are doing this study to find out if there is a difference in breath analysis between patients with and without rejection after lung transplantation.

Compensation: No
Eyes and Vision

We are doing this study to find out if an investigational drug called VRDN-001 (the study drug) is safe and works well to treat thyroid eye disease.

Compensation: No
Diagnostic Tests

We developed a test to measure how much mental effort or concentration is needed to listen to and process words. This test is called the Word Auditory and Recognition and Recall Measure, or the WARRM for short. By participating in this study, you will help us learn if this new test can be used in the clinic and provide audiologists with more information about a person’s hearing function that might help them develop a better treatment plan for people. We also want to compare different versions of this test and know which version provides the best results.

Compensation: No
Breast Cancer

We are doing this study to test a skills training program that is designed to help people cope with pain. We want to know if this program can help people manage pain after breast surgery.
This is important because studies show that between 25% and 60% of people who have breast surgery for cancer or other medical conditions report having persistent pain afterward.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-110
Duke University Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, Other