Clinical Trials Directory

276 clinical trials found.
Bones, Joints and Muscles

We are doing this study to figure out the best approaches for treating knee injuries that involve more than one ligament. There are 2 primary goals of this study. In Aim 1 of the study, we want to find out if it is better to have surgery shortly after MLKI or if it is better to delay surgery. In Aim 2 of the study, we want to find out if it is better to start physical rehabilitation shortly after surgery or if it is better to delay rehabilitation for a few weeks.

Compensation: Yes
Duke University Hospital, Other
Brain and Spine Metastasis

We are doing this study to find out if an investigational drug called XL092 (the study drug) is a safe and effective option on its own or in combination with other anticancer drugs.

Compensation: No

We are doing this study to find out if an investigational drug called abatacept (the study drug) is an effective option when it is given along with the current standard treatment for COVID-19.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-100
Duke University Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, Pickett Road Research
Brain and Spine Metastasis

We are doing this study to find out if an experimental drug called RO7589831 (the study drug) is a safe and effective option for cancers with solid tumors. We also want to find out what the best dose of the study drug is in this study.

Compensation: No
Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy

We are doing this study to figure out how well an investigational drug called CGT9486 (the study drug - also known as bezuclastinib) works in people who are diagnosed with a type of Nonadvanced Systemic Mastocytosis (NonAdvSM). These types are either Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis (ISM) or Smoldering Systemic Mastocytosis (SSM).

Compensation: No
Skin Cancer - Melanoma

We are doing this study to find out how much skin should be removed from around a melanoma to lower the chances of the melanoma coming back. We don't have enough evidence to know exactly how much skin to remove around the melanoma to give people the best chance at a good outcome.

Compensation: No
Cancer Immunotherapy

We are doing this study to find out if an experimental drug called STK-012 (the study drug) is a safe and effective treatment for different types of cancer.

Compensation: No
Diabetes Mellitus

We are doing this study to help connect people with type 1 diabetes to research studies they may be eligible to join as participants.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 16-50
Duke University Hospital, Other