Clinical Trials Directory

276 clinical trials found.
Surgery and Rehabilitation

We are doing this study to understand if the abdominal wall transplant can repair defects in the abdominal wall.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-65
Duke University Hospital
Radiation Oncology

We are doing this study to collect information about people with oligometastasis for future use.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-110
Lungs and Breathing

We are doing this study to see if the if repurposed medications are safe and can help people get better faster, keep them from getting sicker, and prevent them from going to the hospital.

*A repurposed medication is an approved drug for a different condition that we are using to try and treat COVID-19

Estamos haciendo este estudio para ver si estos medicamentos con propósito original diferente, son seguros y efectivos para ayudar a las personas a mejorar más rápido, ayudarles a no enfermarse, y evitar que tengan que acudir al hospital.

*Un medicamento que se usa con un propósito diferente a su propósito original, es aquel medicamento que está aprobado para ser usado para alguna otra enfermedad, pero que estamos usando para ver si funciona además para tratar COVID-19

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 30-110
Radiation Oncology

We are doing this study to understand the benefit of using PET scan in addition to the standard of care CT scan to plan for radiation therapy.

The PET-CT scan may allow your radiation doctor to fine tune the radiation plan or the delivery of radiation to your cancer.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-100
Duke University Hospital
Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves

We are doing this study to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and other illnesses of aging (e.g., dementia, mild cognitive impairment [MCI], or other cognition disorders).

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 25-80
Duke University Hospital
Lungs and Breathing

We are doing this study to find out if L-citrulline (the study drug) will help improve asthma symptoms when taken daily. This study is important because managing symptoms of asthma can improve quality of life and long-term health.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-65
Older Adults/Aging

We are doing this study to help us identify the underlying causes of brain disorders such as delirium and/or dementia.

Compensation: No
Brain and Spine Metastasis

We are doing this study to find out if a new experimental drug called NVL-655 (the study drug) is a beneficial option for people with NSCLC.

Compensation: No
Ages: 18-110
Duke University Hospital