
276 clinical trials found.
Eyes and Vision

If your child joins this study, they will:
- Be randomly assigned (like a coin flip) to 1 of 2 groups
-- One group will receive glasses and patching at the same time
-- The other group will receive glasses first and then receive patching only if necessary

Your child will visit our clinic 9 times over the course of 1 year. We will occasionally ask you to complete quality of life questionnaires related to your child's eyes and vision during the study.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 3-12
Duke University Hospital, Other

We are doing this study to learn more about benralizumab and evaluate its potential effect in treatment for patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES).

Compensation: No
Pregnancy Concerns

We are doing this study promote the importance of quitting smoking for pregnant women and to improve how providers can help their patients quit smoking.

Compensation: No
Eyes and Vision

We are doing this study to find out if pictures taken of the back of the eye (retina) using a special type of camera called Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) can predict how well a baby will be able to see and how their brain works at school age.

El propósito de este estudio es determinar si las fotos tomadas del fondo de ojo (retina) usando una cámara especial que se llama Tomografía de coherencia Óptica (OCT), puede predecir la visión y como el cerebro funciona a la edad escolar.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 0-50
Duke University Hospital
Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy

We are doing this study to find out if an investigational drug called TP-3654 (the study drug) is a safe and effective treatment for myelofibrosis. The study drug will be tested at different doses to find out what effects, if any, it has on myelofibrosis.

Compensation: No
Trauma and Emergency Department Studies

We are doing this study to find out if an experimental drug called BE1116 (the study drug) has the potential to saves lives by reducing bleeding in people who have had a traumatic injury.

Compensation: No
Ages: 15-110
Duke University Hospital
Skin, Hair and Nails

Collection of samples will allow for increased and more focused research on skin conditions and perhaps eventually lead to the development of improved treatment outcomes.

Compensation: No
Duke University Hospital
Immune System and Infections

We are doing this study to find out if an experimental drug called deucravacitinib (the study drug) is a safe and effective option for controlling active discoid and/or subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (DLE/SCLE).

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-75