Clinical Trials Directory
If you agree to be in the study, you will have 1 study visit that will last about 4 hours.
The visit will include asking questions about your medical history, vital signs, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and an MRI (magnetic resonance image) of the chest with inhaled Xenon gas.
Someone from the study team will contact you about 24 hours after your study visit.
We are doing this study to test the effectiveness of the IMPACt-LBP Program. This program was built to help adult patients who have low back pain receive the right care at the right time with the right provider.
We are doing this study to find out if images taken of the eye using a special type of camera placed inside a surgical microscope, called Microscope Integrated Optical Coherence Tomography (MIOCT), will give us new information during surgery that will improve both how we perform eye surgery and the results of surgery.
We are doing this study to compare 2 different surgeries for epithelial ovarian cancer. We want to know if an investigational surgical procedure called minimally invasive surgery can offer better results than the standard surgery, which is called laparotomy. We hope to find out if one procedure or the other is preferable when it comes to preventing cancer from returning and giving patients a better quality of life after their surgery.
We are doing this study to find out why some young adults have better lung function than others during the period of peak lung health (ages 25 to 35 years old) for most people. We want to learn how people's actions or exposures can affect lung function and risk of future lung disease. These factors might include smoking, vaping, or diet and environmental exposures to pollution and allergens.
We are doing this study to compare 2 different treatment options for endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) in the uterus. We want to find out if the combination of metformin and megestrol acetate can decrease the growth of EIN better than megestrol on its own. We will compare how well both options work for women who are planning to either have a hysterectomy or have an intrauterine device (IUD) placed.
We are doing this study to compare 2 different approaches to help people quit smoking. We want to know which of these approaches is most likely to help smokers who have a mental illness and want to stop smoking.
We are doing this study to learn how normal, healthy aging affects attention, perception, memory, and decision-making abilities. We also want to know which regions of the brain contribute to these abilities.