Leukapheresis Protocol

Leukapheresis Protocol

Purpose of this Study

We are doing this study to support vaccine development by studying blood cells of the immune system.

Who Can Participate?


Adults who:
- Are ages 18 - 60
- Are in good health
- Do not have a bleeding disorder
- Are at least 110 pounds
- Do not have an autoimmune disease(s)
- Are not pregnant
- Have not had cancer within the past 5 years
- Are not currently in an investigational study
- Are not taking medications to treat high blood pressure

If you need assistance in understanding if you can participate, please contact Luis Ballón at 919-620-5334 or Darren Morrow at 919-684-6043.

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will have:
- 2 study visits that involve blood draws
-- The first visit will measure safety labs
-- The second visit will be 3 hours long for the leukapheresis procedure

Study Details

Full Title

EQA Proficiency Testing and Quality Control Leukapheresis Protocol

Principal Investigator


Protocol Number


Enrollment Status