Purpose of this Study
We are doing this study to find out if there is a difference in breath analysis between patients with and without rejection after lung transplantation.
Who Can Participate?
Adults ages 18+ who:
- Had a double lung transplant within the past year but at least 90 days ago
- Have not had any other transplants
For more information about this study, please contact the study team at sarah.drapp@duke.edu.
- Had a double lung transplant within the past year but at least 90 days ago
- Have not had any other transplants
For more information about this study, please contact the study team at sarah.drapp@duke.edu.
What is Involved?
If you choose to join this study, you will:
- Provide two breath samples
- Fill out a questionnaire
- Allow the study team to collect information from your medical record
- Provide two breath samples
- Fill out a questionnaire
- Allow the study team to collect information from your medical record
Study Details
Full Title
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Breath of Lung Transplant Rejection Patients Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Principal Investigator
Protocol Number
Enrollment Status