WARRM (Hearing Testing)

WARRM (Hearing Testing)

Purpose of this Study

We developed a test to measure how much mental effort or concentration is needed to listen to and process words. This test is called the Word Auditory and Recognition and Recall Measure, or the WARRM for short. By participating in this study, you will help us learn if this new test can be used in the clinic and provide audiologists with more information about a person’s hearing function that might help them develop a better treatment plan for people. We also want to compare different versions of this test and know which version provides the best results.

Who Can Participate?


Adults ages 60-85 who:
- Have had an appointment at Duke audiology clinics within the past 6 months
- Are native English speakers
- Have hearing loss that is considered to be better than mild to moderate (identified on Audiogram)

For more information about who can join this study, please contact the study team at amy.walker1@duke.edu.

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will:
- Answer questionnaires
- Make a single visit to our lab to have your hearing tested

The hearing tests you will have during your lab visit will be the standard of care hearing exam followed by a few different versions of the WARRM tests we are developing. This lab visit should take about 2.5 hours and you can take as many breaks during the visit as you like.

We will compensate you for your participation in this study.

Study Details

Full Title

Evaluation of List Equivalency between Abbreviated Versions of the word Auditory and Recognition and Recall Measure

Principal Investigator


Protocol Number


Enrollment Status