IIT_Hematologic Malignancies Microbiota Biorepository (Stem Cell Transplant Recipients)

IIT_Hematologic Malignancies Microbiota Biorepository (Stem Cell Transplant Recipients)

Purpose of this Study

We are doing this study as a means to collect and store samples and other data for future research on finding ways to treat cancer better.

Who Can Participate?


Adults aged 18-80 who have received or will receive a stem cell transplant at Duke.

The caregivers of people receiving these transplants can also participate.

For more information about who can join this study, please contact the study team at andrea.pires@duke.edu or 919-668-4978.

What is Involved?

If you choose to join the study, you will:
- Have blood draws
- Give stool samples
- Have your skin swabbed
- Fill out questionnaires (optional)
- Complete tests to measure your physical function and abilities (optional)
- Complete a resting energy expenditure test (optional - this test involves wearing a mask for 10 minutes that measures how much oxygen you inhale and how much carbon dioxide you exhale)
- Use an iPhone, Apple Watch, blood pressure cuff, and scale to keep track of your activity and vital signs (optional)

If your caregiver chooses to join the study, they will:
- Have blood draws
- Give stool samples
- Have their skin swabbed
- Fill out questionnaires (optional)

Study Details

Full Title

Hematologic Malignancies Microbiota Biorepository

Principal Investigator


Protocol Number




Enrollment Status