What Is Clinical Research?

Clinical research promotes the development of new medicines, procedures, devices, health classes, and educational materials. It helps to improve the diagnosis of illnesses and to identify ways to stay healthy. Clinical research also uncovers new diseases and ways to prevent them.

All clinical research is done with participants who are volunteers, either patients or other community members, who have an interest in helping to improve healthcare. Broad representation in clinical research means better health for all. When all types of people are represented in clinical trials and studies, everyone benefits from new discoveries.


Clinical Research At Duke

Studies open to enrollment in 2023
Duke faculty leading studies in 2023
People enrolled in studies in 2023

Community Corner


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Explore our site to learn more about groundbreaking studies and how you can be part of shaping the future of healthcare.

We value your input and want to hear from you. Share your ideas, preferences, and research interests with us, or give us feedback using the link below.


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Upcoming At Duke

NC Registry for Brain Health in Aging
Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves
We created the Registry for Brain Health to help you improve your brain health and get involved in research studies. We are enrolling both people who have memory problems and people who are healthy and do not have memory problems.
CTSU ECOG E5508 Study for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Thoracic Cancer
This study wanted to find out the best maintenance regimen for patients with advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer.
2024 Duke Caregiver Community Event
Durham, NC
Are you a caregiver providing support to a loved one? The Duke Caregiver Community Event offers insights from experts and ways to connect with services and support systems. Find answers and resources that can help you navigate this journey.