Clinical Trials Directory

48 clinical trials found.
Heart and Circulation

We are doing this study to find out how changes in air pressure can affect people's exercise capacity. We want to compare how these pressure changes affect the abilities of healthy volunteers and compare their changes to those of people who are diagnosed with HFpEF (heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction, a congestive heart disease).

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 30-110
Research for Healthy Adults

We are doing this study to find out why some young adults have better lung function than others during the period of peak lung health (ages 25 to 35 years old) for most people. We want to learn how people's actions or exposures can affect lung function and risk of future lung disease. These factors might include smoking, vaping, or diet and environmental exposures to pollution and allergens.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 25-35
Remote/online, Other
Research for Healthy Adults

We are doing this study to find out if a study device, called the Medtronic INVOS PM7100 Cerebral Oximetry Monitor, is accurate. This device measures how much oxygen is in your brain.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-50
Pickett Road Research
Gynecologic Cancer

We are doing this study to compare 2 different treatment options for endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) in the uterus. We want to find out if the combination of metformin and megestrol acetate can decrease the growth of EIN better than megestrol on its own. We will compare how well both options work for women who are planning to either have a hysterectomy or have an intrauterine device (IUD) placed.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-110
Duke University Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital
Mental Health, Behavior, and Substance Abuse

We are doing this study to compare 2 different approaches to help people quit smoking. We want to know which of these approaches is most likely to help smokers who have a mental illness and want to stop smoking. We are doing this study in partnership with Wake Forest University, and study team members from Wake Forest are managing the enrollment for this study.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-110
Research for Healthy Adults

We are doing this study to learn how normal, healthy aging affects attention, perception, memory, and decision-making abilities. We also want to know which regions of the brain contribute to these abilities.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-79
Duke University Hospital
Research for Healthy Adults

We are doing this study to find out if an investigational vaccine (HydroVax-005 CHIKV - the study vaccine) is a safe and effective option to protect against chikungunya virus. Chikungunya virus is spread by mosquitos that are most common in Africa, Asia, and India. Infection with the virus can cause serious disease in older adults, children, and people with weaker immune systems.

Compensation: Yes
Ages: 18-49
Research for Children and Teenagers

We are using you or your child's medical information in this study to better understand the diagnosis, treatment, and complications of Spina Bifida.

Compensation: No
Ages: 0-110
Remote/online, Duke University Hospital